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The Storybook Theatre of Hawai‘i


The Storybook Theatre of Hawai‘i creates, produces, and distributes educational programs for children. These innovative programs are offered at Storybook's beautiful facility in Hanapēpē, Kaua‘i and are also broadcasted on television throughout Hawai‘i and Polynesia, as well as to several cities in the continental United States. Each program focuses on building stronger families and local communities through increased literacy, peacemaking skills, drug abuse prevention, balance in the environment, recycling and personal character development through the arts. The organization is dedicated to addressing an important need of young children: the need to hear good stories told in creative ways.

Storybook Theatre of Hawai‘i was founded in 1979 in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi and moved its base of operations to the island of Kauaʻi in 1989. Professional artists and educators have created more than 50 live touring productions and hundreds of broadcast quality television programs.

In 1995, Storybook was able to save a nationally registered historic site – the Sun Ke Heong / Obatake Building in Hanapēpē, Kaua‘i. The rehabilitation of the property has been dedicated to former United States Senator Spark M. Matsunaga, a champion for peace and a real hometown hero from Kaua‘i.